A growth mindset fosters motivation, resilience and persistence in our students. Let's have a great week! #EtiwandaExcellence #ResilientEtiwanda
Rose is giving a virtual high five to our amazing crossing guard at Golden Elementary today. Every day, he arrives early to sweep all four corners, ensuring that the children do not have any difficulties arriving to school. He always greets you with a smile and a wave.
Mr. James, the Golden Elementary custodian, is getting a virtual high five today. He is wonderful with all of the children and always allows them to assist him. He is seen here putting up the flag with Rylan, a Golden Star.
Falcon Ridge Elementary' s Joy family is sending out a few virtual high fives today. Heather, the school nurse, Marla, the cafeteria manager, and Mr. Peek, their son's teacher are all being thanked. They are grateful for the time and effort put in to assist their son David.
Wanda took a virtual field trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in celebration of Black History Month. To discover more about this museum, follow the link below.
It's time to nominate someone for a virtual high five once more. This week, who do you believe deserves a high five from the Etiwanda community? By Friday at 9 a.m., please send your submissions to dosocialmedia@etiwanda.org.
Who do you think this Kindergarten student is? Did you guess Solorio Elementary' s Ms. Duran?
In today's world, reaching the North Pole is a difficult task, but think how challenging it was in the early 1900s. Matthew Henson, an African-American explorer, was the first person to reach the North Pole in 1909.
A growth mindset fosters motivation, resilience and persistence in our students. Let's have a great week! #EtiwandaExcellence #ResilientEtiwanda
The ESD Board of Education is seeking your assistance in selecting our new superintendent. There will be a virtual community forum for the public to provide input. The link and further information about this event may be found in the News and Announcements area of our website.
The ESD Board of Trustees is seeking your assistance in selecting our new superintendent. There will be a virtual community forum for the public to provide input. The link and further information about this event may be found in the News and Announcements area of our website.
We are asking for your help in selecting our next superintendent. To ensure this is a collaborative and inclusive process, the Board is providing an anonymous online survey and encourages your participation. http://www.etiwanda.org/district/superintendent_search
Jacob from Caryn Elementary had a lot of fun dressing up on the 100th day of school. Jacob, you did an excellent job.
More smiles for the 100th day! Giovanni, a Grapeland Kindergartner, was delighted to have Zero the Hero visit his class.
Who do you suppose this is, Summit Sharks? Did you figure out that this vintage photograph is Mr. Strogen when he was in first grade?
Mrs. Abbruzzese, a wonderful teacher at Lightfoot Elementary, enjoys riding her beach cruiser on the Pacific Electric Trail to Claremont with her husband and boys. What a great way to be healthy while having fun. #wellnesswednesday
The ESD Board of Trustees is seeking your assistance in selecting our new superintendent. There will be a virtual community forum for the public to provide input. The link and further information about this event may be found in the News and Announcements area of our website.
The ESD Board of Education is seeking your assistance in selecting our new superintendent. There will be a virtual community forum for the public to provide input. The link and further information about this event may be found in the News and Announcements area of our website.
We are asking for your help in selecting our next superintendent. To ensure this is a collaborative and inclusive process, the Board is providing an anonymous online survey and encourages your participation. http://www.etiwanda.org/district/superintendent_search
A growth mindset fosters motivation, resilience and persistence in our students. Let's have a great week! #EtiwandaExcellence #ResilientEtiwanda